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Fortune Consumer Care collects information about our stakeholders and visitors to our web sites so that we can provide an experience that is responsive to our stakeholder’s and visitors’ needs. Information may be collected as part of: (i) fulfilling orders or information requests, (ii) purchasing products, (iii) registering for a membership, (iv) submitting a job application, or (v) responding to communications from us (e.g., surveys, promotional offers, or reservation confirmations). The types of personally identifiable information that we collect may include your name, home, work and email addresses, telephone and fax numbers, credit card information, date of birth, gender, and lifestyle information such product preferences, and other relevant information.

Fortune Consumer Care may also collect non-personally identifiable information about you, such as your use of our web sites, communication preferences, green purchasing preferences and habits, and responses to promotional offers and surveys.


a) Collection & Use


The primary purposes for collecting your personally identifiable information (PII) are as follows:

1) providing services such as processing a transaction (e.g., fulfilling a request for information, or completing a product order)
2) marketing and communications with you in relation to the products and services offered by SC, our strategic marketing partners, and other trusted third parties
3) performing market research via surveys to better serve your needs, improve the effectiveness of our web sites, your experience with us and our various types of communications, advertising campaigns, and/or promotional activities

You will always be offered the choice not to submit your PII or to decide what communications you want to receive from us. However, doing so may cause certain transactions to become affected. For example, not providing a name or email will prevent the processing of certain requests; not providing an address may limit the programs or offers we can make available to you that are geographically focused.

b) Processing and Disclosure


In most cases, the information you provide is added to our database. In the course of processing your information, some PII may become known to SC's affiliates, and/or third party service providers for the purposes outlined within this Privacy Statement. As a general practice, Fortune Consumer Care does not sell, rent, or give physical possession of your PII to unaffiliated third parties outside the Fortune Consumer Care system except for certain trusted third parties and partners. Situations in which Fortune Consumer Care may disclose your information to others include:

1) in situations where sharing or disclosing your information is required in order to offer you products or services you desire
2) when companies or services providers that perform business activities on behalf of Fortune Consumer Care require such information (e.g., credit card processing, customer support services, market research administration or database management services)
3) to comply with legal or regulatory requirements or obligations in accordance with applicable law or court order
4) in order to provide information that will enable us to make our services and those of our trusted partners more effective.

If information is shared as mentioned above, we seek to limit the scope of information that is furnished to the amount necessary for the performance of the specific function. Unless otherwise precluded by legal process, we require third parties to protect your PII and abide by applicable privacy laws and regulations.



On occasion, as part of our commitment to keep you informed, we may mail, email, telephone, or contact you by other means to notify you of new Fortune Consumer Care products and services, or upcoming Fortune Consumer Care special offers, events, enhancements, or other relevant information that may be of interest to you. You may also receive mailings or other communications from carefully selected third parties. We always offer you the option to decline any or all of these communications by contacting Fortune Consumer Care directly.

We would like to keep all of our friends and stakeholders informed and equally able to take advantage of the benefits offered by Fortune Consumer Care and its strategic marketing partners. In some cases your permission will be implied from the nature of the service requested or transaction undertaken. Your permission will be deemed given for communications from us that are necessary to fulfill transactions and services that you request.



We endeavour to provide you with the same outstanding service in any country in the world. To achieve this goal, we have established a global network of offices, data centres, trusted marketing partners, service providers, customer contact centres, and trained associates around the globe. The nature of our business and our operations may require us to transfer your information, including PII, to other group companies, properties, centres of operations, data centres, or service providers that may be located in countries outside of India. Although the data protection and other laws of these various countries may not be as comprehensive as those in your own country, Fortune Consumer Care will take appropriate steps to ensure that your PII is protected and handled as described in this Privacy Statement.



To ensure that your personally identifiable information (PII) is accurate and up to date, we encourage you to regularly review and update your information as appropriate (e.g., in the event your home or email address changes, or you wish to add an additional method for us to communicate with you). Please note that in an effort to confirm the accuracy of your PII, you may be asked to provide proof of identity (or other authentication materials) together with a completed access request form. Access to PII cannot be provided by telephone.

If, upon review, you wish to deactivate your program profile, or update your PII, we will endeavor to do so in a timely manner. Occasionally, information that you request to be removed will be retained in certain files for a period of time in order to properly resolve disputes or to troubleshoot problems. In addition, some types of information may be stored indefinitely on "back up" systems or within log files due to technical constraints, or financial or legal requirements. Therefore, you should not always expect that all of your PII will be immediately or completely removed from our databases in response to your request.



Fortune Consumer Care recognises the importance of information security, and is constantly reviewing and enhancing our technical, physical, and logical security rules and procedures. All Fortune Consumer Care owned web sites and servers have security measures in place to help protect your PII against loss, misuse, and alteration to the extent within our control. Although "guaranteed security" does not exist either on or off the Internet, we safeguard your information using both procedural and technical safeguards, including password controls, "firewalls" and the use of encryption where that is deemed appropriate.



As do most interactive websites, Fortune Consumer Care may use cookies, invisible pixels, and web beacons to obtain information about you while visiting our web sites. A cookie is a very small text file that is sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer's hard drive. It assigns the computer with a unique identifier, which in turn, becomes your identification card whenever you return to a Fortune Consumer Care web site.

Cookies are designed to save you time because they help us to provide you with a customised experience without you having to remind us of your preferences each time you return to our web pages. Fortune Consumer Care cookies are not designed to damage your files, nor can they read information from other files on your computer hard drive. Cookies can also help us provide you with a personalised on-line experience in the following ways:

1) they remember your user name and password for future visits so log-in is easier and faster
2) they ensure you are provided with the appropriate frames and content
3) they ensure you obtain all requested information
4) they help us deliver communications that are relevant and responsive to your interests and location
5) Fortune Consumer Care cookies are limited to our web sites only, and are not designed to follow you when traveling on the Internet after leaving Fortune Consumer Care owned web sites. We track the usage of our web sites in order to better meet your needs and to help make it easier for you to find information in the future. Please note that in addition to Fortune Consumer Care cookies, various third parties may also place cookies on your computer's hard drive. Fortune Consumer Care is not responsible for the presence or absence of third party cookies, or for the technological capabilities or practices employed by third parties in connection with third party cookies.

If you would prefer not to have the benefits of cookies, your Internet browser can be adjusted to treat cookies in different ways. Depending upon the type of browser you are using, you may be able to configure your browser so that: (i) you are prompted to accept or reject cookies on an individual basis or (ii) you may be able to prevent your browser from accepting any cookies at all. You should refer to the supplier or manufacturer of your web browser for specific details about cookie security. However, you should also understand that rejecting cookies might affect your ability to perform certain transactions on our web sites and our ability to recognise your browser from one visit to the next.

Fortune Consumer Care may also use invisible pixels, sometimes called web beacons, to count how many people visit certain web pages. Information collected from invisible pixels is used and reported in the aggregate and does not contain PII. Fortune Consumer Care may use this information to improve marketing programs and content.



In order to further your web experience and Fortune Consumer Care’s business , Fortune Consumer Care provides links to selected other web sites. Fortune Consumer Care is not responsible or liable for any content presented by or contained on any independent web site, including, but not limited to, any advertising claims or marketing practices. Please note that while Fortune Consumer Care will protect your information on Fortune Consumer Care owned and operated web sites, we cannot control and will not be responsible for the privacy policies of third party web sites, including web sites owned or controlled by independent franchisees, third party owners of hotel, resort, interval ownership, or residence properties that may use the name of a Fortune Consumer Care brand, or web sites not controlled or authorised by SC. Third party web sites that are accessed through links on our web sites have separate privacy and data collection practices, and security measures. We have no responsibility or liability for the practices, policies and security measures implemented by third parties on their web sites. We encourage you to contact them to ask questions about their privacy practices, policies and security measures before disclosing any PII. We recommend that you review the privacy statements and policies of linked web sites to understand how those web sites collect, use and store information.


Fortune Consumer Care does not seek to obtain nor does it wish to receive PII directly from minors; for this reason, when requesting PII, we seek to determine a respondent’s age. We cannot always determine the age of persons who access and use our web sites. If a minor (as defined by applicable law) provides us with his/her data without parental or guardian consent, we encourage the parent or guardian to contact us to have this information removed and to unsubscribe the minor from future Fortune Consumer Care marketing communications.



Fortune Consumer Care does not seek to obtain nor does it wish to receive PII directly from minors; for this reason, when requesting PII, we seek to determine a respondent’s age. We cannot always determine the age of persons who access and use our web sites. If a minor (as defined by applicable law) provides us with his/her data without parental or guardian consent, we encourage the parent or guardian to contact us to have this information removed and to unsubscribe the minor from future Fortune Consumer Care marketing communications.


Effective: June 30, 2020


If you have any questions about Fortune Consumer Care’s privacy policies, or if you wish to opt out of any of these provisions, please contact us at: +91 44 42024187

Privacy Policy: About


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Garbage Disposal Bags
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Privacy Policy: News
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